Marathon Oil - Driven Together
Driven Together is the newest brand refresh for Marathon Oil. It all came from a new business pitch that I creatively lead that turned into helming a full campaign. They were looking for an idea that other gas stations weren’t doing so instead of focusing on drivers, we celebrated the co-pilot (the unsung hero of the open road).
Driven Together - Anthem
This spot launched our campaign and celebrates the different relationships of co-pilots of all kinds.
Driven Together - One Co-Pilot
This spot focuses on a singular story of a driver and co-pilot on the most memorable journey of their lives.
Driven Together - Celebrating Fans
We were tasked to create a sports anthem that not only celebrated co-pilots, but also fans in a way that you don’t normally see. That’s why we tapped into Marathon’s support of local community teams and showed how real, everyday, small town fans are the co-pilots of their team and their community.